
世界杯官方app毕业生倡导健康公平, paving the way for positive change

世界杯官方app毕业生倡导健康公平, paving the way for positive change


2023年12月20日 高中毕业前几个月, Suyapa穆尼奥斯 23岁的她不知道怎么付得起大学学费. 幸运的是, a counselor guided her toward a merit-based program that covered the majority of her tuition. Muñoz紧紧抓住机会.

Now the first-generation student, who has a heart of gold, is devoting her life to helping others. She recently crossed the Commencement stage to celebrate her double bachelor’s in psychology 和 neurobiology.

Muñoz想从事医疗保健工作. The inequitable access to health resources became apparent to Muñoz growing up. She observed the stark contrast in health care systems between San Antonio 和 Honduras, 她母亲17岁时从哪里移民过来的.

“I’m interested in growing into a physician with a focus on substance use 和 family medicine. I want to be able to continue to support 和 interact with the community.”

成为解决方案的一部分, Muñoz开始在离家近的地方实习, formerly known as the South Alamo Regional Alliance for the Homeless, 当时她还在世界杯官方app上学.

“I did a lot of street medicine — observing doctors who volunteer their time going out to meet with people who are unhoused, 没有保险或者可能是非法移民. That was one of the biggest reasons I thought this is the route I should take — to be a physician or a provider who can fill that gap somehow,Muñoz说. “I really like serving people 和 being able to provide them with resources.”

One of the first visits Muñoz made was to an encampment where she met a 17-year-old living under a bridge in need of medical care 和 social services. 那个令人心碎的时刻一直萦绕在她心头.

“I think about what happens when I’m not there, 和 it makes me angry. 但它也让我充满了希望和激情。”Muñoz说道.

Muñoz’s internship at Close to Home developed into a youth liaison role, enabling her to delve deeper into her passion 和 identify disparities in the local homeless system.

Her work experience has also been complemented by a research opportunity. At 世界杯官方app, she joined the Global Health 研究 Laboratory as a research assistant under 凯特琳Sileo公共卫生助理教授.

She supported a project studying family planning intervention for couples in rural Ug和a. Muñoz获得了多方面和宝贵的研究经验, learning about other public health concepts such as masculine gender discrepancy.

“One of my favorite experiences at 世界杯官方app was working with her. 她教会了我很多东西,”Muñoz这样评价Sileo. “I’m interested in growing into a physician with a focus on substance use 和 family medicine. I want to be able to continue to support 和 interact with the community.”

与此同时, Muñoz serves as a harm reduction service navigator at the Corazon Ministries Harm Reduction Center. 该组织的目标是促进获得医疗服务, 为有需要的人提供行为治疗和社会服务, so she spends much of her time working with individuals impacted by substance use 和 by homelessness.

“不管一个人的药物使用情况如何, we’re going to treat you with humility 和 dignity because you’re a human being,穆尼奥斯说.


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